简介:立志当人类历史上第一位宇航员的丹•米尔顿•普雷斯科特(比尔•艾德华斯 Bill Edwards 饰)驾驶代号Y-12的宇宙飞船前往太空,在进入外太空的一刹那,他因为过于兴奋而忽略了总部的命令,最终导致飞船失控。飞船坠入大气层,与总部失去联系。不久,国防部的人找到飞船残骸,而惹出祸端的丹却在女友处潇洒
简介:山姆·克拉弗林、薇洛妮卡·恩切圭([信任])加盟天空影业的浪漫爱情轻喜剧[恋爱小说](Book of Love,暂译)。该片由阿纳莱纳·卡尔·迈尔([鱼味男孩])执导,David Quantick操刀剧本。故事讲述一位年轻保守的英国作家亨利(克拉弗林饰),他原本写了一部失败的小说,却在墨西哥意外大受
简介:A true story of a family and town's effort to save a beloved and heroic dog named Semper Fi. The father, a Captain in the US Marines and his homemaker
简介:A busy working mother hires a nurse to care for her wealthy father who has early onset dementia. Soon a bizarre deception creeps into play when the se
简介:British Army radiation drills at a remote Scottish base attract a subterranean, radioactive entity of unknown nature that vanishes, leaving two severe
简介:“The Chosen Ones” turns on 15-year-old, Ulises, who is being groomed by his father to enamor young girls, tricking them into prostitution. But he fall