简介: 本片根据波兰著名同名小说改编,讲述了二战期间,华沙被纳粹德国军队占领,波兰童子军的年轻人们与德国占领者进行英勇斗争的故事。 Based on a well-known Polish novel with the same title the movie re-tells a true life
简介:The unemployed Duval is contacted by a mysterious organization to transcribe intercepted calls. He accepts the job with no suspicions, since it restor
简介:In the 19th century, a sadistic nobleman terrorizes the members of his family. He is found dead, but his ghost soon returns to haunt the residents of
简介: 1898年,银矿工丹尼尔·普莱恩惟尤(丹尼尔·戴·刘易斯 Daniel Day Lewis 饰)因井下作业事故摔断了腿,但他因祸得福了解到秘密的石油信息。他利用领养的孤儿HW(狄龙·弗雷泽尔 Dillon Freasier 饰)欺骗乡民赢得了石油地盘,从此飞黄腾达。但是, 成为 石油大亨的他并不