简介: 2015德国汉堡电影节最佳影片提名作品。导演是斯蒂芬·里克,曾凭借《双重罪》入围第十四届上海国际电影节金爵奖参赛。这部新作和平克·弗洛伊德的专辑《The Dark Side of The Moon》并没关系,而是改编了“瑞士当代最成功的作家”马丁·苏特的2006年同名畅销小说,而主角莫里兹·布雷
简介:Four elderly men (Fons, Lull, Nuckes and Jängi) are fed up with being walked all over and treated like children. Together with their friends, they pla
简介:Four elderly men (Fons, Lull, Nuckes and Jängi) are fed up with being walked all over and treated like children. Together with their friends, they pla