简介:After being recruited to a secretive academy, a group of students discover that the magic they read about as children is very real-and more dangerous
简介:BBC One的3集迷你剧《英式丑闻 A Very English Scandal》根据Jeremy Thorpe的真人真事所改篇。在60年代末英国才刚刚对同性恋除罪化,而当时作为自由党领袖,以及百年来英国政党中最年轻的领袖,Jeremy Thorpe(Hugh Grant饰)隐藏着一个秘密 – 他
简介:欢迎来医院值夜班,但必须警告你:你每天都要同时面对拯救生命的考验和运营一家医院的黑暗真相。如果把这两件事情加在一起,你大概就不会认为这是一份可以展现「英勇之举」的好差事了。在圣安东尼奥纪念医院,值午夜班和凌晨班的人通常是一群「特殊品种」——特别是容易兴奋的T.C. Callahan(Eoin Mac
简介: A young father takes his nine year old son, the family dog, and two of his son's friends backpacking in the mountains of Colorado only for all five